Lily Among Thorns

Sisterhood of Faith

Lily Among Thorns Song Of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3

Sisterhood of Faith

Chapter 2, Page 78

I don’t know. I mean come on, I think he’s good looking and all, but look at where we’re at. It may even be flattering, but that’s as far it will ever go. So what’s the point?”

Stevi, ignoring my sense of reasoning, just kept on topic without much thought to our circumstances.

Chapter 2, Page 79

“Lily, things happen for a good reason, and in Romans 8:28 it says, And we know all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Sisterhood of Faith

Chapter 2, Page 79

The point is, just let things take their natural course and see where it goes. I’m not saying you shouldn’t be cautious, because it’s obvious we’re not in the best of circumstances. But, Lily, it’s just because these days may be more dangerous and uncertain than ever before, are the very reasons when something good comes our way. We should embrace it with all sincerity, because if we hesitate in the very slightest and let the blessed moment slip away, there’s no guaranty it will ever come back to us. Believe me, nothing would make the enemy happier because right now the world is at war with God’s statutes, and this also includes traditional love as it is written in the Bible.”

Sisterhood of Faith

Author's Commentary

[1] Once in a great while you may come across someone and you happen to click instantly. When opportunities such as these arise in Christ Jesus, it is a wondrous blessing as both become the giver as well as the receiver in your love for the Lord. A fellow sister in Christ is such a blessing to pass on encouragement, to express your sorrows and your joys all in one conversation.

[2] Lily who for the most part is most assuredly in an awful predicament, and because she possesses the determination to never compromise her freedom in Christ Jesus for the bondage of the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ But what a delight it is for Lily to share the same commonality of faith in the bonds of sisterhood.

The comradery of faith is so very important to Lily since she was forcefully separated from her family, and it is such a comfort to her spirit knowing through a trusted friendship in the Lord she is not alone.

[3] And how it does her heart good to have a sister friend in Christ on the same page as herself in this most horrendous time of tribulation.

Nothing will deter Lily from the love of Christ Jesus, and moving forward. She realizes the harsh challenges she will endure in captivity by the wicked foes of the faithful. Lily relay’s heavily upon the commonality in the Word with her sisters in the Lord, and in divine guidance they look to the day when they are free from BONDAGE.

Sisterhood Of Faith

The "Word" Of God

1st John 1:7, But If We Walk In The Light, As He Is The Light, We Have Fellowship One With Another, And The Blood Of Jesus Christ His Son Cleanseth Us From Sin.

Holy Scriptures

1st John I:9, If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins, And Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness.

Sisterhood of Faith


Holy Scriptures , King James Bible

women of the Bible images by Meranda D, on Pixabay

Jesus teaching image by Meranda D, on Pixabay

young women images by Bragg, on Pixabay

black & white Jesus images by Chil Vera, on Pixabay

dove Holy Spirit image by Gerd Altmann, on Pixabay

oil lamp image by Vined Mind, on Pixabay

2 woman photo by Nataliya Valtkevich, on Pixabay

song title Fall Piano 2, music by Calvin Clavin, on Pixabay

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