Among Thorns
An Honest & Pure Heart
An Honest & Pure Heart
Psalms 126, The words of the LORD are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3
Shape Up & Fly Right, Chapter 2, Page 56
Andrew agreed with a reaffirming nod, and as they made their descent, Dad began yelling out he was coming and for them to hold on just a minute. The three of us could see all the action below from the top of the stairwell, and just before turning the knob. Dad gave Andrew a concerned grin of affirmation. After responding in like manner. Dad just barely opened the front door, when the police came pouring inside the house, and with some of them wearing street clothes. I could only surmise some were of the plain clothes variety. At this point. I was still hoping for the best. But being honest with myself. I would admit to me alone that things were not looking good.
An Honest & Pure Heart
An Honest & Pure Heart
Author's Commentary
[1] Let me start by asking the question; What was Lily suppose to do? Here she was thrust into a grievous predicament against her will and those of whom she dearly loved. With the distinct possibility there was no way out!
Lily could not grasp this forward intrusion into her life, which to her faithful heart believing in God’s goodly statutes, it was unfathomable to her pure line of reasoning. Something Wicked was on the move in the land, an idea so evil and, contrary to God’s goodly Word, it left her in a state of shock and disbelief!
An Honest & Pure Heart
Author's Commentary
[2] Lily would not be deterred and firmly held the determination not to take the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ Lily knew, as so did her fellow parishioners from her church. And the Pastor a brave soul speaking out against the taking of the ‘ Mark of the Beast.’ Clearly making quite a few turbulent waves in the bigger scheme of things, and here was Lily remaining true to her belief’s despite knowing the horrific prospects that may lie ahead!
An Honest & Pure Heart
Away In A Manger
Away In A Manger, No Crib For A Bed, The Little Lord Jesus, Lay Down His Sweet Head
The Stars In The Sky, Look Down Where He Lay, The Little Lord Jesus Asleep On The Hay.
The Cattle Are Lowing, The Poor Baby Wakes, But Little Lord Jesus, No Crying He Makes.
I Love Thee, Lord Jesus, Look Down From The Sky, And Stay By My Side, Till Morning Is Nigh.
Be Near Me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee To Stay, Close By Me Forever,
And Love Me I Pray,
Bless All The Dear Children,
In Thy Tender Care, And Take Us To Heaven, To Live With Thee There
Take Us To Heaven, To Live With Thee There.
An Honest & Pure Heart
Author's Commentary
[3] All this being said, it was still difficult for Lily to understand the wrong doings happening in the place she called HOME! She could not believe her own senses and comprehend an incomprehensible world gone MAD! Because here came the authorities pounding at the front door with the rigid attitude to shoot first and to ask questions later. All unfolding in real-time in vivid technicolor to undermine the family’s peaceful slumber.
church benches image by Rudy & Peter Skitterians, on Pixabay
Christmas tree image by Alan Frijns, on Pixabay
An Honest & Pure Heart Author's Commentary
[4] An unpleasant derangement was tightening its grip, to sideline the standard virtues of ‘Fair Play.’ The high regard ‘And Justice for All’ no longer exist, or even matters! Only the collective broad path is now acceptable to the ‘New ‘Global Cabal.’ But Lily has chosen the narrow path that leads unto life as it is written in Matthew 7:14, Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Here is Lily’s conundrum, and nothing less than totally honesty is acceptable to her sensibilities. She also knows she shall forever remain loyal to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And this she will do no matter the perils moving forward!
light Architecture image by David Osta, on Pixabay
Holy Scriptures, Zechariah 14:20, In That Day Shall There Be Upon The Bells Of The Horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; And The Pots In The LORD's House Shall Be Like The Bowls Before The Altar.
An Honest & Pure Heart
Holy Scriptures, King James Bible
song title Forget, music by Oleksii Kaplunskyi, on Pixabay
Cathedral snow image by Susan Cipriano, on Pixabay
woman white sweater image by Aberrant Realities, on Pixabay
inside cathedrals images by Ivana Tomaskova, on Pixabay
children choir images by Grumpy Beere, on Pixabay
song title Away In A Manger, Public Domain