Guardian Angel

Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In the Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3

Shape Up & Fly Right, Chapter 2, Pages 77, 78

[1] My emotions taking me completely off guard, because from the very first moment we connected. I found it a real challenge to keep my mind on my work. But knowing I could always rest easy in the Lord, I finished my work on time and gave God all the glory. All of my attentions however,turned right back to my Guardian Angel a nickname I had given to my newfound friend, that is until perhaps I should come to know his given name. Being honest with myself, I hoped maybe somehow I would see him just one last time before I had to leave for the Center. But suffering the consequences of my circumstances, I asked myself in a whisper the most obvious question, while fighting the urge to take a second look in his direction. “How is it something too good to be true could happen in such an awful place as this is beyond my comprehension?” From what I thought to be reasonable way of thinking, I then concluded I am a grown woman, and if I so choose to have another look at someone, I will do so and be done with it.

golden heavens by A111AA20, on Pixabay

Guardian Angel Chapter 2 Page 78

[2] I was then taken off guard when he just then looked up and caught me watching him from afar. I cannot emphasize enough just how delighted he was by this little happenstance. Seeing his reaction, I then thought it was well worth the risk, and if for nothing else but to see his beautiful smile just one more time before I should be summoned, no longer did I feel the urge to turn away. but of all things I found myself sharing a winsome smile myself.

heaven staircase  image by Guren, on Pixabay

Guardian Angel

Author’s Commentary

[1] Contemplating her onetime past Lily is reconciling why from a young tender age she had come to experience the unkindness of others, and so it really isn’t such a shock to her system she should now be forced as a young adult to endure the pleasantries at the present time.

Lily, unwilling to concede to her unfriendly circumstances. With a faithful heart she trust’s in God to fight her battles for her. But even though this might right true, life is very difficult for Lily, which in her case foes without saying. But if it were to be said. The new hostile ‘Global Metropolis Evil Empire’ surrounding Lily on all sides 24/7 is not very hospitable toward her faithful belief in the Bible, or equally her heart’s desire of a ‘Knight in Shinning Armor’ come to rescue her to take her ‘Far, Far Away.’

The reality is Lily now forced to live behind enemy lines where her sincere beliefs in the Bible ‘As It Is Written is held in contempt, and although her current situation doesn’t look to promising. Lily still maintains her resolve, and she hopes in the Lord of Hosts against all hope. She will still come to find her ‘One True Love.

heaven sky by Trung Phan, on Pixabay


Guardian Angel

Author’s Commentary

[2] And as an involuntary participant working against her will, on this one night when it appears she is seemingly going through the usual bleak routine. She takes courage breaking the rules of the menstealers by cautiously lifting her eyes, and with a thankful heart she turns to look toward a miracle come to call straight from above, and with the help of divine guidance. All in one fell swoop, and in this unlikely of places. The darkness of a dreary warehouse is answered prayer radiating a light of heartfelt promises from an attractive smile of a most welcome gentlemanly expression.

heaven gates by Karen T, on Pixabay

Holy Scriptures

Genesis 28:12, And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

Psalms 34:7, The angel of the Lord encompeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

Daniel 6:22, My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me: and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.

Revelation 22:8-9. And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen. I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things. Then saith he unto me, see thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: WORSHIP GOD.

heaven golden sky by, Gred Altmann, on Pixabay

light Bible by Chandlerid, on Freepik

Renaissance Bible by Ronald Sandino, on Pixabay

Holy Scriptures

Luke 2:10-11, And the angel said unto them. Fear not for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is CHRIST the LORD.


guardian angel looking up to heaven by Karen.T, on Pixabay

Archangel Michael image by 1 Brown Stone, on Pixabay

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