Lily Among Thorns
Ever Lasting Arms
Morning Sunrise

Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2 In The Last Days 2nd Peter 3:3 Part 1
"I Just Love Having A Church On The Street Where I Live."
Morning Sunrise

Chapter 1, Page 2
Ready ahead of schedule, I thought instead of twiddling my thumbs around here, waiting for the time to drag on. I might as well put on my black peacoat, and with the intentions of taking the future head-on!
……. Cruising down the freeway, I turned on the radio, and while checking out the stations, I got the happiest tiny goosey bumps when I heard one of my all time favorite spiritual songs, Leaning On The Ever Lasting Arms, written by A. J. Showalter, in The Year Of our Lord 1887……..
Ever Lasting Arms
"Waking Up With A smile on My face. I Am So Excited To Start My First Day On The Job!"
Morning Sunrise

Ever Lasting Arms
"How Wonderful To Start My Day In Prayer To My Wonderful Father God!"
Psalms 150:6, Let Every Thing That Has Breath Praise The LORD. Praise Ye The LORD.
Morning Sunrise
Ever Lasting Arms
"The Morning Sunshine Is So Delightful To My Soul!"

Page 2, 3
I turned up the volume, and totally living in the moment. I began singing along, which brought back the sweet memory when I was a little girl, and my Italian grandpa called me a little Caruso, and he should know, because he listened to his albums all of the time.
What a fellowship, what a joy divine, Leaning on the everlasting arms; What a blessedness, what a peace in mine, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.
O how sweet to walk, In this pilgrim way, Leaning on the everlasting arms;
O how bright the path grows from day to day, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.
What have I to dread, what have I to fear, Leaning on the everlasting arms;
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.
Morning Sunrise

Page 3
…….I began to approach the first check point on the freeway. But with God’s Speed and, as it is written in
Deuteronomy 33:27, The Eternal God Is The Refuge, And Underneath Are Everlasting Arms: And He Shall Thrust Out The Enemy From Before Thee; And Shall Say, Destroy Them.
I got myself through the experience without a hitch…….
Ever Lasting Arms
"I Am Always Thankful To The Lord To Start My Day With A Nice Fresh Hot Cup Of Coffee In The Morning!"
Morning Sunrise
"How Sweet Of Jared To Be Waiting For My Arrival At The Entrance Doors Of The S S I Building!"

Ever Lasting Arms
"I Cannot Think Of A Better Way To Start My Day Than To See Jared First Thing In The Morning!"
Morning Sunrise

Ever Lasting Arms
Holy Scriptures
Psalms 143:8, Cause Me To Hear Thy Lovingkindness In The Morning; For In Thee Do I Trust: Cause Me To Know The Way Wherein I Should Walk; For I Lift Up My Soul Unto Thee.
Morning Sunrise

Author's Commentary
Lily awakens to an overall sunny disposition to the Morning Sunrise, and while attending to her morning routine. She ponders as the day begins to unfold of her minor participation as the ‘Battle of the Ages’ continues to rage.
What resides in Lily is a bearer of a broken heart which hearkens that same chord of the mournful melody. Lily’s dear family is still a forbidden prospect by the ghastly governing ‘Global Beast Cabal!”
Her numerous earnest prayers for her Beloved Caleb of whom was swiftly and forcefully locked away by the ‘World Beast Cabal.’ The future looks pretty bleak for Lily to the natural eye and there appears to be no resolution.
She awakens to the new Morning Sunrise and makes the measured decision to rise above her demeaning predicaments and chooses instead to rely on the reassurance of the Holy Scriptures.
And despite the challenges that may come her way. Lily is then inspired by the generosity and goodwill of others, and the never-ending source of all benevolent inspiration the Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
Confidently resting her heartfelt dreams on the promises of the Lord. Lily faithfully starts afresh the Morning Sunrise encouraged by the ‘Blessed Assurance’ and Abundance of Hope’ in Jesus Christ!
Ever Lasting Arms
"I Cannot Wait To Meet Up With Jared!"
Morning Sunrise

tea & flowers image by EBREHNA, on Pixabay
cottage house image by Blue, on Pixabay
daisy wreath image by Beverly Buckley, on Pixabay
man suit image by Syed Qaseem Raza, on Pixabay
daisy flowers sunshine image by Ray Shrewsberry, on Pixabay
breakfast cereal image by EBEHNR, on Pixabay
pancakes image by Misttr OITTIAGTR, on Pixabay
honey jars image by Berrd Forster, on Pixabay
coffee flowers watercolor image by Aristal Branson, on Pixabay
honey bee image by EBREHNR, on Pixabay
flowers image by Tomislav Jakupec, on Pixabay
song title Forget, music by Music For Video, on Pixabay